Dear so and so…

September 30, 2011 § 3 Comments

Dear So and So...Just lately I have been reading the Dear So and So posts over on my friend Nicki Cawood’s blog Curly and Candid. I didn’t realise how much I was enjoying them until last week when she DARED not post one. Of course I chastised her about this over on Twitter and she pointed me in the direction of the insightful Three Bedroom Bungalow, who started the whole thing and where a Linky to many other Dear So and So posts can be found.

But by not having one to read, I have been inspired to write one. Can’t promise it’ll be any good, but here goes…

Dear Old Boss
After your behaviour the past week or so, I am mightily glad you are now my Old Boss.
Yours, one with a much better job, thanks.

Dear small girl,
When you said you wanted to run the country I was very proud. Who would have thought my just-turned-four year old would have such lofty ambitions at so tender an age. I was about to tell you to go for it, why not aim high, when I realised you meant you wanted to do the school cross country run. Running across the school field may be a more immediate goal than running the country from Number 10, but I am no less proud.
Yours, someone who would really like to nose inside Number 10

Dear School Mom
How dare you not invite my son to your son’s 7th birthday party. My son is far more interesting than your son and therefore couldn’t fail to liven the event up. Bet it’ll be rubbish anyway. You are now dead to me.
Yours, overreacting mum.

Dear Neighbours
I like you. I have no issue with your slightly hippy tendencies. But your new organic fertiliser on the front garden? It smells like, well, exactly what it is.
Yours, someone who winces every time they use their front door.

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